Ekainberri belongs to the European Cultural Route of Prehistoric Rock Art Trails (CARP). The CARP route is a great European network of Rock Art sites with top rated cultural and touristic values, where joint scientific activities, experts training, sociocultural diffusion and sustainable tourism are carried out, under official European Union institutions’ acknowledgement.


Lurpea is an association of eight tourist caves located in Bizkaia, Gipuzkoa, Navarra, Lapurdi and Baja Navarra. Its aim is to promote the subsoil of these territories, the Sixth Continent; as well as to attempt promoting the respect for nature, the cultural and landscape heritage of the places where they are located. Pozalagua in Bizkaia, Arrikrutz and Ekainberri in Gipuzkoa, Mendukilo, Zugarramurdi and Urdazubi in Navarra, Sara in Lapurdi and Isturiz in Baja Navarra allow to discover a continent full of misteries and beauty.


5 stops in history is an iniciative which emerged from the Gipuzkoan regions Urola Medio and Urola Kosta to promote the activity in relation to cultural tourism in this area of the region. It comprises Algorri, the Nature Interpretation Center in Zumaia; Ekainberri, the Ekain cave replica and Lili Palace in Zestoa; and the Basque Railway Museum and the Loiola Sanctuary in Azpeitia. In addition to this tour in history in 5 stops, which can be made al throughout the year, in also comprises a tasting of the rich gastronomy offer in the area.


The Museums of the Basque Coast are a group of museums, interpretation and dissemination centres of a wide range of fields which share the same characteristic: they are located close to the coast of Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa. They have put their efforts together in order to appreciate and spread their heritage, to create an attractive, joint coastal offer to the visitors and to share projects among them and with the visitors and users.
